Monday, May 15, 2006
There's More than Meets the Eye

Okay so I found some elements of realism in the movie, but overall Ephron is depicting the fantasy world we all want when it comes to love and finding that "someone." And the irony is that she knows she's doing this! She knows that she is writing and directing a movie, where the characters and concept is completely unrealistic. On the special features (yes I'd watch them because really why else do we buy the DVD's if not for the special features) in a featurette she said, "A great deal of what we know about love has been shaped by movies."
Knowing that Ephron is aware of this factor and knowing the type of movies she makes, Do you think she's making commentary on the movies? Do you think she's deceiving the audience? She continues onto say that, "One of the thing I tell my actors is that it isn't a movie about love, its a movie about love in the movies." So Ephron isn't just making a cute movie about love. Rather she is commenting on society's view of love, what shapes it, how movies influence us. Do you feel Ephron is true? Has what we known about love been shaped by the movies? And if so can this be fixed or changed? Or is this subconsciously happening as we watch movies?

So maybe we should keep all of this in mind when we view Ephron's next film. Look for the clues. Look for the commentary on movies, technology, popular culture and all of their effects on us as a society.
Or you could just snack on some popcorn and enjoy the movie for what it is - pure entertainment.
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