Sunday, May 14, 2006
Love is a game. Easy to start. Hard to finish.

Singles, is Cameron Crowe's take on six young people in there 20s, who all live in the same apartment complex and their attempts to find love during Seattle's early grunge rock stage.
A unique technique Crowe used in Singles was having the characters talk to the camera, as if they were talking to you. It made you feel apart of their world, like you were one of their friends. Although Crowe focused more on Steve Dunne (Campbell Scott) and Linda Powell's (Kyra Sedgwick) relationship you also learned about the other character's love lives as well. It was nice and refreshing. The use of music in this movie worked a lot better than Elizabethtown too. Perhaps it was because of the setting and time.
I really enjoyed Bridget Fonda in her role as Janet Livermore. She was cute and granted annoying when she used to follow Cliff (Matt Dillion) around like a lost puppy. But once she realized she didn't need him anymore and kicked him to the curb, Janet was rejuvenated for me. Looking back I feel like Crowe's use of Kirstin Dunst in Elizabethtown was his attempt to capture someone like Fonda.
I think Singles is a complete upgrade from Say Anything. It captured the first meeting between strangers and the realistic relationship Elizabethtown was so desperately attempting at. Throughout his movies Crowe is trying to capture what realistic relationships look and sound like. I think he does an excellent job achieving that in Singles.
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