Monday, May 08, 2006

In Your Eyes...

Say Anything: You know you all love you some John Cusack

Before there was Elizabethtown, Vanilla Sky, Almost Famous and Jerry Maguire, there was Say Anything. Before there was Orlando Boom and Jerry Maguire, there was John Cusack.

I'll admit it I'm coming to this movie with a bias. I've seen Say Anything and I really enjoy it. Now its not just because Lloyd (John Cusack) stands outside of Diane's (Ione Skye) window holding a boombox in the air (Yes, a boombox they did exist at one point. I think even now I'd find that cute and adoring, No offense fellas but the iPod w/speakers doesn't have the same effect) blasting a cassette tape of Peter Gabriel's "In Your Eyes!" wearing a trench coat.

But how many of you fellas will admit that you're actually a fan or get tear eyed thinking of Peter Gabriel's "In Your Eyes?" Any takers? ... Anyone?

Every time I hear
"In Your Eyes" I think of that scene and I immediately get weak in the knees and sappy.

But its not
just Peter Gabriel who makes the movie. John Cusack is pretty damn good too. Portraying one of the best roles of his early career (High Fidelity, Grosse Point Blank, The Runaway Jury and one of my personal faves - Serendipity, come much later. Granted my enjoyment of Serendipity could have a lot to do with his personal sidekick, real life friend and scene stealer Jeremy Piven, but that's for another post).

What? His most recent movie? Something with dogs? I've blocked that from my memory, eagerly awaiting a refund.

Lloyd, an optimistic, witty Kickboxing champ Cusack is hilarious. You can't help but root for him as he tries to win the heart of Diane and her father's (John Mahoney - Fraiser Krane's Pop) approval. Yes, he's the underdog and could appear to be a bit on the odd side. But you can't help but be in his corner egging him on as he fights for the winning battle - Diane.

Now that Lloyd and Diane are graduating will she finally notice him? Will he finally work up the courage to ask her out? Will Lloyd wins Diane heart and get her father's approval? 

Guess you'll have to find out for your own.... or you can wait till my next entry.

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