Wednesday, May 10, 2006
"I gave her my heart, she gave me pen."

Say Anything: Cameron Crowe gets it (Men, women, family, relationships, life, young love, romance, comedy, drama) right on his first take.
I want current directors of Romantic Comedies, movie producers, film critics, kids of the 21st century and especially Cameron Crowe to watch Say Anything. To me, Crowe's first film is one of his best (some might argue for Jerry Maguire). Perhaps its because Crowe was young and brand new to the movie industry. Not jaded yet or pressured by top notch studios or judged by film critics; Crowe was still innocent and passionate.
It was all about making films that meant something.
I think now a days directors forget why they wanted to be directors in the first place. Sometimes it doesn't always have to be about that great shot, or getting the hot celebrity in the starring role, great action sequence, tear jerker scene or making a blockubster. Sometimes ... less is more. Sometimes it is the simple story lines that are complex, enganging and more realistic.
Say Anything, is that movie.
It's a simple story: goofy, quirky, odd guy wants brainy, beautiful girl. Well, guess what? He gets her. Why?
Because he made her laugh, because he's straightforward, dependable - honest. Because on their first night out when walking from 7 Eleven he said, "Watch out for that glass," and moved it out of her way. In a world where everyone saw Diane only for her brains and beauty Llloyd saw more.
Now some might say Crowe is depicting the male fantasy because its about the underdog guy getting the "out of his league" girl. And others might say Crowe is depicting the female fantasy because the girl meets the perfect guy: he's funny, sweet, romantic, trustworthy, charming and absolutely head over heels in love with her. I say, why can't it be both? Why can't a romantic comedy show both fantasies? And in my opinion that's exactly what Crowe does in Say Anything. But he also shows the realness of relationships, the good, the bad, and the in-between And Crowe shows us this not just in Lloyd and Diane's relationship but also in Diane's relationship with her father.
Despite its retro soundtrack I feel Say Anything is timeless. I mean who doesn't want to have someone in their life that they could say anything with. Crowe's continuous attempts of capturing love between the two most unlikely people start's here.
Say Anything is about the unexpected parts of life, the things you can't plan, the people who surprise you ... in a good and bad way. It could have been anyone's love story; instead it became everyone's.
Here is a trailer of Say Anything:
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